Terms and conditions of hire
The objects of East Side Youth Centre Ltd are the “provision of a community youth centre to help and educate young people and children through their leisure time activities so as to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society”.
Responsibility for East Side Youth Centre (ESYC) is vested in the Directors of East Side Youth Centre Ltd.
East Side Youth Centre Ltd is a Registered Charity Number No 1147968 and a Private Company limited by Guarantee, Registered Company No. 7920163.
All ESYC Directors are volunteers.
Each decision regarding hire of the premises is considered on its own merits. The decision of the Directors, or their delegated authority, is final and no reason need be given for acceptance or rejection of any application.
When an application has been granted for a regular, or series, use of the facilities, the permission is subject to withdrawal if the user fails to keep to the conditions of the agreement.
ESYC reserves the right to prohibit the use of any of the facilities at any time if, in its opinion, the facilities are unfit for use.
ESYC reserves the right to cancel a booking if necessary. If cancellation of office hire is necessary, normally 90 days’ notice will be given.
Hire relates only to the Youth Centre building and to no other parts of the school, multi-use games area or fields. If you would like to use these, please contact AITC (Active in the Community) who mange the lettings. E-mail lettings@aitc.org.uk. Availability can be checked on their bookings calendar on-line: https://www.activeinthecommunity.org.uk/facilities/. When using the Youth Centre, you have rights of access over the road and pavements provided you take the direct route from Hatters Lane to the Youth Centre.
If you see people roaming the grounds of the school that might be mistaken for your group, to protect yourselves from accusation and the school from damage, please escalate as follows:
Warn them that they are trespassing on the school premises (assuming it is safe to do so)
If unsafe to challenge them, of if you have done and they do not move on, call the school site manager and/or caretaker to advise them (contact details can be found in the kitchen area).
If you suspect damage will be incurred and a school representative has not arrived, please call the police.
The agreement for series use of the premises is for a maximum term of one year only (unless otherwise specified at the time of acceptance) and use will therefore be subject to annual review.
A condition of acceptance of an application is that proof of satisfactory public liability insurance cover (minimum £5m) must be produced before the event is allowed to proceed. If you are organising a family event, we can extend our insurance to cover your event for a supplementary charge of £15 per booking.
The cost is £15 per hour for the main club room including kitchen, computers, table games and TV lounge. Payment within 30 days of the invoice date is required. Utility costs are included. The Directors reserve the right to revise charges with 30 days’ notice.
Keys must be signed for on collection, and are the responsibility of the hirer. Any loss must be reported in the first instance to the emergency contacts named on the last page, and a charge for replacement keys/locks will be made.
Keys must be returned within 24 hours to the person from whom they were obtained.
The Directors may require a briefing meeting in order to ensure adequate familiarity with the premises, fire precautions, fire assembly point, fire exit, emergency procedures, door control, etc. The Directors or other appointed persons reserve the right to cancel the booking without notice if the organisers fail to attend such a meeting.
If deemed necessary, an appointed representative of the Directors may be present during the booking.
Please advise any changes to your booking requirements as soon as possible, and at least 3 days before your booking.
Cancellation of one-off bookings less than 3 days in advance will be charged.
The required notice period for series bookings is 30 days.
The required notice to cancel hire of the office is 90 days, or 30 days if notice of increased fees is given.
The person making the booking is responsible for all negotiations and arrangements with the Directors or their representative. They are expected to be present at any liaison or briefing meetings and at the event itself.
The hirer will not use the premises for any purpose other than stated on their booking form.
The hirer is responsible for ensuring that all windows are securely shut, lights turned off, the alarm set, and doors locked.
Areas used are to be left with the furniture located as found, unless alternative arrangements have been agreed.
The premises must be left clean and tidy, ready for the next user. Cleaning materials can be found in the cupboard next to the toilets. A supplementary charge will be applied if it is necessary to clean or tidy the centre after the booking.
ESYC seeks at all times to ensure considerate behaviour towards the school and local residents. Users of the premises are expected to follow this policy and in particular hirers are requested to control noise levels both within the building and outside.
Hirers have a responsibility to ensure that people behave in an orderly and considerate manner at all times.
Car parking at the Highcrest Academy is available for users of ESYC. Unless otherwise agreed with the school, the maximum number of parked cars allowed in the school car park is four.
Where there are concurrent hirers (office and youth club areas), each hirer is limited to a total of four spaces unless both hirers agree otherwise.
The car parking is shared with the school and church, on a first come, first served basis; no spaces are reserved.
In the interest of safety, a maximum of 50 people are allowed in the centre at any one time. Please declare the nature of the function on the application form at the time of booking. Failure in declaration may leave the event open to cancellation or abandonment at any time at the discretion of the Directors.
At all times there must be an appropriate number of adults present for supervision of children and young people. It is wholly your responsibility to provide adequate supervision, but for reference you may refer to our policy on ratios, adult to young people. This policy can be found on our web site www.eastsideyouthcentre.org by following the menu links Other Stuff, Safeguarding. Please note that the Centre is equipped for young people of Secondary School age and additional care may be needed if you have younger children present.
You are required to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected at all times, by taking all reasonable steps to prevent the occurrence of any loss, damage or harm. The hirer must observe guidance issued or supported by the Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) and comply fully with the DBS Code of Practice and Explanatory Guide.
Smoking is not permitted on any part of the premise, including all of the school grounds.
No signs or external advertisements are permitted.
Alcohol is not permitted on any part of the premise, including all of the school grounds.
No electrical appliance or outlet may be altered, modified or tampered with in any way. All electrical appliances must comply with the Electrical Appliances at work 1989 directive. Small kitchen or musical appliances are permitted, but must be PAT tested. The use of other electrical equipment is subject to the permission of the Directors. Portable gas appliances or other equipment involving the use of a naked flame is not permitted.
The hirer, during the period of hire shall be responsible for supervision and security on the premises, protection of fabric and contents from damage.
Any damages or breakages must be reported to the Directors as soon as possible. A charge may be made for the replacement of broken or lost items.
First Aid Kits are available in the kitchen.
Please complete the accident report book if you use the contents, and hand in a copy when returning keys.
The fire brigade must be called to any outbreak of fire however slight and the incident reported to the Directors. Exits must be kept clear at all times. Please familiarise yourself with where extinguishers, blankets and exits are before your event.
Waste may be left in the bins provided and will be disposed of by our cleaners. Do not use the school bins, including the one immediately outside the centre by the front door.
It is useful to have a mobile phone available within your group.
Emergency contacts for the management committee are displayed in the kitchen area.
If you leave anything in the fridge or freezer, please ensure if is dated and marked with your group's name. Anything left in the fridge or freezer at the end of term will be disposed of.
The office is currently not available for hire as it is hired out long term to a company for storage purposes. It is off limits to other hirers of the centre.