Safeguarding policy
Throughout this document the term young people is intended to include vulnerable adults and 18-year olds still in education up to sixth form or equivalent age.
The Council of Management of East Side Youth Centre is firmly committed to the welfare of all young people who use its facilities and protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.
The Club will aim to ensure that all young people meet in a safe environment with people they can trust. It will also ensure that all risks which young people encounter are carefully assessed and the necessary steps taken to minimise and manage them.
All adult leaders will be provided with a copy of this policy and will be requested to indicate their commitment to it by completing a signed copy which will be kept in the club records.
All volunteers should complete an application form supplying the following information:
personal details - names of 2 independent referees
previous experience - any criminal convictions
competencies and areas of interest - signature and date
All leaders and helpers should complete a Disclosure & Barring Service Application) at enhanced level. This check will be will be renewed every 3 years unless it is recorded on the government update system and viewable by East Side Youth Centre management.
All new volunteers must work alongside a fully vetted and trained member of staff until references have been received and the DBS process completed.
In accordance with guidance from the Disclosure & Barring Service a record will be kept of the disclosure number, completion date and whether or not the check is satisfactory.
Code of Conduct
The Council of Management adheres to the following guidelines as to how young people and adults interact with each other.
• Abusive behaviour and language, violence, aggression, bullying or discrimination will not be tolerated. Leaders will respond quickly and effectively to any such reports which may result in the offender(s) being suspended from the club.
• No alcohol or other intoxicating substances will be consumed on the premises. Leaders will refrain from consuming such substances prior to assuming responsibility for young people.
• Any young person intoxicated or suspected of being intoxicated by the club leader will not be admitted to the club.
• The appropriate ratios of leaders to young people will be applied:
1:8 for club evenings and all trips.
1:6 for children under 10 years, or groups with special needs
• Whilst club members are encouraged to stay until the end of club sessions, staff are not able to detain members should they wish to leave earlier. This will be made clear to parents through the parental consent statement.
• Parents or carers involved in sessions are to be DBS checked.
• Consequences will be considered and decided if anyone behaves inappropriately in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
• The youth leaders are only responsible for young people officially attending the club and reserve the right to act in an appropriate way to protect the young people in their care if non-members try to enter the premises or cause disturbances outside.
Training Provision
The contents of this policy (and other club policies) will be included in the induction process for all members of the Council of Management and volunteer leaders. They will be required to attend Safeguarding (Child Protection) training courses offered at regular intervals by Action4Youth, Buckinghamshire Council, or other organisation as approved by management.
The Council of Management will insist on attendance at these sessions which will help volunteer leaders understand their responsibilities and provide information on identification and appropriate response to child protection issues.
Dealing with Allegations
The following procedures will apply in the identification or suspicion of abuse towards a young person.
There are four types of abuse to which young people can be subjected:
physical abuse
sexual abuse
emotional abuse
If any of these occur, young people often display problems in the following areas:
drugs and alcohol
physical evidence e.g. bruising
mental health
A young person may disclose that he/she is being abused; he/she may show signs of abuse; or he/she may speak about third party abuse.
If abuse is suspected:
Observations, conversations or concerns will be recorded, signed and dated.
• The matter must not be investigated or discussed with anyone other than the Safeguarding Officer or Club Leader.
• The Club Leader/Safeguarding Officer will assess the information and contact the appropriate local statutory services e.g. schools/social services.
• Advice and guidance may be obtained from Buckinghamshire Council.
If abuse is reported/alleged:
• The young person will be listened to and encouraged to speak without interruption, comment or judgment.
• It will be explained that information may need to be shared in certain circumstances.
• The matter must not be investigated or discussed with anyone other than the Safeguarding Officer or Club Leader.
• A written account of the report or allegation will be made, signed and dated by two people and the information passed to the Safeguarding Officer or Club Leader.
• Club Leader/Safeguarding officer will inform the appropriate statutory service (school or Social Services).
• If the matter is regarded as critical it should be referred immediately and directly to Buckinghamshire Council and details of the referral passed to the Safeguarding Officer/Club Leader as soon as possible.
Protecting Leaders
The Council of Management recognises the importance of protecting its leaders from possible allegations of abuse and recommends the following guidelines:
Leaders should not:
• Be alone with young people
• Lock and unlock premises without another adult present
• Transport young people in a car or mini bus without another adult being present
• Take young people to their homes
• Make inappropriate contact with young people i.e. develop relationships outside the club setting
• Leave young people unattended
• Leave young people in the presence of adults who are not suitably trained
• Leave young people in the presence of adults not known to leaders
• Leave young people in the presence of adults who have not had relevant DBS checks
• Show favouritism to young people within the club
Allegations about Leaders
If any allegation is made or suspicions emerge regarding any volunteer leader of the club, these should be reported to the Safeguarding Officer and Club Leader. If an allegation concerns either of these officers, the report should be made to the Club Chairperson.
If further action is required, the following procedure will apply during which all information relating to the allegation will remain confidential:
• A detailed factual record of the allegation and action taken will be made.
• Information will be passed to the Club Chairperson who may contact Buckinghamshire Council.
• Consideration will be given to the suspension of the person involved taking account of the risks to other young people and the leader concerned.
• If the allegation involves a club member, contact will be made with the young person’s parents to advise them of the process'
• Relevant external bodies will be advised.
• If an allegation is made against the chairperson, leaders should report this directly to Buckinghamshire Council.
Since young people may be photographed while participating in club events and activities, written permission from parents/guardians will be obtained which will also allow photographic material to be used in the public domain.
Procedure to be adopted by leaders in cases of abuse
Step 1. Record concerns in writing - to be signed and dated by two people.
Step 2. Discuss immediately with Safeguarding Officer/Club Leader. Bucks Council are available to provide advice and guidance.
Step 3. Safeguarding Officer or Club Leader should report within 24 hours to Bucks Council Safeguarding online or by phone.
Useful Contacts
Buckinghamshire Council First Response Team
Telephone: 01296 383 962
Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5.30pm
Friday 9am to 5pm
If you need an urgent response outside of these hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0800 999 7677. If a child is in immediate danger, call 999 or report a crime on 101.